Our sponsors and partners

MESOPOTAMIA HERITAGE TM is supported by the Saint-Irénée Foundation, in Lyon



This website has the technical, financial, scientific and communal support of many sponsors and partners in France, Europe and Iraq.

Public partners :


Institutional and community partners:

In Iraq, our top partners are the leaders and representatives of the affected communities : the Chaldean Church, the Church of the East, the Syriac catholic Church, the Syriac orthodox Church, the Armenian Church, the Jewish community in Kurdistan, the Yazidi community.

The local population is systematically involved.

All visits are accompanied by Iraqis. The budgetary resources allocated to the project allow to pay Iraqi personnel (30% of the overall budget), thereby keeping them in the country.

All works are undertaken in strict respect of Iraqi laws and usages.

The following French and European organizations are active financial contributors for this project and website:

Solidarité Orient in Belgium

L’Œuvre d’Orient


RCF Foundation

Pèlerin magazine

Other sponsors philanthropists for this web site:



Other organizations involved in this web project

The Saulchoir Dominican Library in Paris


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UNESCO (Paris, Erbil) shows its interest in this project.

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