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In this book, Guillaume de Beaurepaire takes us right into the heart of this city and its history which spans the millennia, by presenting an extraordinary inventory of around 150 monuments, complete with maps, plans, sketches and photographs, bringing to life this vital part of the world’s heritage.

Mosul heart-to-heart, an architect’s appeal to revive the city’s endangered heritage

Monument map


“Mosul heart-to-heart, an architect’s appeal to revive the city’s endangered heritage” is a fascinating book by Guillaume de Beaurepaire.

In it, he takes us right into the heart of this city and its history which spans the millennia, by presenting an extraordinary inventory of around 150 monuments, complete with maps, plans, sketches and photographs, bringing to life this vital part of the world’s heritage.

A MESOPOTAMIA publication

BOOK : "Mosul heart-to-heart, an architect’s appeal to revive the city’s endangered heritage"
© Guillaume de Beaurepaire / MESOPOTAMIA, 2021

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